Members get a better deal! 10% off the prices shown.

Don’t forget to claim your 10% members discount by using the code MEMBER at checkout. You can become a member now and claim your discount today - simply add a membership to your shopping cart. We also do a quick check on your membership status before we fill your order, to make sure you are up to date.

Anyone can shop at our store - you do not need to be a member to make purchases online or in store.

Our members enjoy 10% off all products and the opportunity to help run and shape the business.

The Bathurst Wholefood Co-operative is owned and run by the community, for the community. Members and volunteers participate in the day to day running of the Co-operative and its retail outlet. 

With over 650 lines of product, our shop can supply the bulk of your family's weekly household needs. 95% of our stock is either local, or organic, or both. Our stock is continually expanding, so if you ever want something sourced, just ask us.

Become a member now, or renew your membership, by signing up and paying your fees online.
Print the appropriate form, fill them in and return them to the Co-op to become a member or renew your current membership!